Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Sunday, March 25, 2012

More Offensive Advertisements

Burger King is just the latest company to roll out a questionable ad campaign. 
Here, TIME examines some of the most tasteless, inappropriate, or downright disturbing commercials 

Click here to find out more! 

 We're not exactly sure who the target audience is for these Bacardi Breezer ads. Touting "an ugly girlfriend" as the ideal "hotness-boosting accessory," the campaign offers cringeworthy explanations: "Upgrade your trips to the beach with Sally," reads one. "97 kilograms of femininity, strength and double chins. No tires can disguise the lumpy rolls decorating that body." And this appeals to potential buyers of the quintessential girly drink — how? The ad ran for just two months through an Israeli affiliate in 2008 before Bacardi shut it down and issued an apology.

 IKEA: Sexy Home Furnishings

It's hard to make semi-disposable home furnishings a sexy product. The evil Swedish geniuses at IKEA, however, decided they would take on this challenge, but the results were a little disturbing. The concepts, on paper, are almost charming: A young adult embarrassed by her parents and ready to move out on her own (necessitating affordable but practical furniture); a couple in love and desperately in need of a new bed. However, on your way to this pitch you encounter a woman wielding a pitchfork chasing a naked man in a pig mask and serious erection innuendo. Unsurprisingly, these commercials never made it to television.

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