Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Did Greg Smith Commit Career Suicide?

Did Greg Smith Commit Career Suicide? - Forbes

Career coaches say it was a mistake for Greg Smith to publicly criticize his boss, Lloyd Blankfein.

When Greg Smith decided to write a scathing op ed piece that ran in the New York Times yesterday, blasting his employer, Goldman Sachs, for sacrificing its clients’ best interest in favor of maximum profits, he violated a cardinal rule of career advancement: Do not bad-mouth your former employer. Career coaches and executive recruiters who have worked with finance professionals agree that making such a public statement foils any chances Smith, 33, might have had of working on Wall Street.

Roy Cohen, a New York career coach who worked as a regular outplacement consultant for Goldman Sachs from 1990-2004, says that Smith’s Times piece “raises questions about this fellow’s integrity and loyalty.” An even bigger issue, says Cohen: When Smith detailed how Goldman employees “callously … talk about ripping their clients off,” he put the livelihoods of the 30,000 people employed by the firm at risk. Goldman’s stock dropped 3.4% yesterday after the op ed appeared, though shares have been recovering some of their losses today. Employers will be wary of hiring someone who would intentionally cause such damage. According to a Times story today, Smith sent an email resignation to his bosses at 6:40 a.m. London time yesterday, 15 minutes before the op ed appeared.

Further, says Cohen, potential employers will be turned off by the fact that Smith seems to have inflated his role at the firm. The Times called him “executive director” in its author description, when it turns out he was a vice president. According to Cohen, after 12 years at Goldman, Smith should have at least advanced to managing director. Getting stuck in the vice president position means “something must have broken down” for Smith inside the firm, says Cohen. In a memo to employees yesterday, Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein and President Gary Cohn, whom Smith criticized in his piece, clarified that Smith was a vice president, not a director.

By holding himself out as superior to, and more ethical than, the firm where he worked, could Smith’s op ed be read as a job advertisement for himself? Not in finance, say recruiters and coaches. Cohen says that the kind of disillusionment with ethical standards that Smith expressed is common on Wall Street, but that it was “naïve” for Smith to blame his employers for his personal feelings. “It’s a problem in every financial institution,” says Cohen. Wise employees keep their sentiments to themselves, he says, and resign if they are unhappy.

Jesse Marrus, a former financial executive recruiter who now runs the finance jobs website, sees a slim chance that Smith could be picked up by a small hedge fund. But on the other hand, he says, “I don’t see anyone wanting to be associated with someone who has muddied the waters.”

New York career coach Eileen Wolkstein, who has worked with many clients in finance, says she doesn’t think Smith’s career is completely over, though she agrees that he won’t get a job in finance, or any job until the furor over his op ed dies down. Then he should tap into the network at his alma mater, Stanford. “Are there buddies who could use his expertise in a start-up?” she says. “Sure.” Marrus guesses that Smith could get a job in green energy or another industry several steps removed from Wall Street.

Those may be possibilities, says Dale Winston of headhunting firm Amrop Battalia Winston, but the fact remains that Smith aired his employer’s dirty laundry in the most public of forums, which would make any company wary. “He should have vented to his friends and colleagues and resigned gracefully,” says Winston.

Smith has not spoken to the media since his piece ran. Requests for comment sent from Forbes to his Facebook account have gone unreturned. This morning the Times quoted a friend who attended Stanford with Smith, Miami lawyer Daniel Lipkin, as saying Smith “sounded confident and felt good about his decision to go public,” after the article appeared. The Times also says Smith had a sheet listing Goldman’s business principles taped to the wall next to his computer in London. “He has a really high moral fiber and really cared about the culture of the firm,” Lipkin told the Times.

Cohen, author of The Wall Street Professional’s Survival Guide, speculates that Smith is in fact angling for some kind of writing deal. “I’m envisioning that he’s going to get a huge, huge book contract,” says Cohen. “There’s nothing people like to read about more than Goldman, Sachs.”

Wolkstein sees one other career option for Smith. “He could become head of Occupy Wall Street,” she says. “But I don’t think that’s the kind of job he’s looking for.”

Update: Cohen is misinformed when he says Smith inflated his title. Smith did not. Goldman Sachs uses the title “executive director” in its London office to mean the same level as “vice president” in the U.S.

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