Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Monday, January 9, 2012

Gonzalo Lira, "People quietly moving their money and themselves out of the US" - YouTube

Gonzalo Lira, "People quietly moving their money and themselves out of the US" - YouTube: ""

Uploaded by RTAmerica on Jan 9, 2012

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Could you imagine paying someone to lend him money? In a normal world...if I lend you money, I want something in return. It costs money to borrow money. Can you imagine a world where I'm so desperate to lend you money that I'm willing to pay you to do it? That's the paranormal world we're living in today. Pretty unbelievable, but now it's just happened in Germany. The government auctioned off 2.9 billion euros in six-month notes. The yields were negative. The investors paid the government to lend them their own money. This in the era of the eurozone debt crisis where people appear more concerned with the return of their money than a return on their money. But in the US, we've gotten used to this right? With the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates near zero...for speculators
that means free money to go speculate...for savers, that's meant losing money to inflation as it sits in the bank. Or if you're loaning the US government money, the interest rates have been so low, again, you're losing money to inflation. Add to this, uncertainty over bankruptcies of insolvent banks, the staggering 15 trillion dollar US debt, a government with no credible plan to tackle it, and bills signed into law that allow indefinite military detention of American citizens, and that's why a lot of the investors we talk to tell us, behind the scenes that they are looking to get the heck out of dodge. That's what Gonzalo Lira, founder of Strategic Planning Group, a company that helps protect its clients from events...well, like the kind we are describing...seemingly fat tail events that keep on getting fatter. Black Swans that keep on getting blacker. The paranormal that seems all too normal these days. We ask, should people just start planning their escape from the USA, and if so, where do they go? Again, Gonzalo Lira is here to explain this to us, and to give us his take on where Americans are fleeing during a deleveraging that is taking not just capital, but people with it.

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