Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Calculating investment returns

Calculating investment returns: Actuarially speaking, 6% is a good rule of thumb

If you are trying to predict your cash flow in retirement, it’s useful to know what investment returns you can expect.

From an actuary’s perspective, this involves less guesswork than you might imagine. Just like it’s easier to forecast the average climate over the next 25 years than the weather next week, you can make a reasonably good estimate of long-term returns.

Actuaries face this problem all the time since future investment returns are key to estimating the liabilities in defined benefit pension plans. And the magic number we come up with — 6%.

The 6% estimate may seem unrealistically low. After all, the typical pension fund manager achieved an 8.5% return over the past 50 years, so why should returns be so much lower in the future?

For the individual investor, returns can be lower than 6% depending on investment fees. If you go with mutual funds, expect to pay 2% to 3% in annual fees which would reduce the 6% return down to 4% or so.  As a result, you might decide ETFs are the better bet since management fees are so much lower.

Here’s how actuaries arrive at a 6% return:

Estimate future inflation The average inflation rate since 1924 has been 2.94% though actuaries generally assume lower future inflation because (a) inflation has been low for quite a while, (b) economic growth in the developed world looks like it will remain sluggish for a long time to come and (c) the Bank of Canada is targeting inflation at 2% per annum.  Taking all this into account, the typical estimate of future inflation is about 2.25%.

Forecast the real return Calculate the return on each asset class over and above the inflation rate. Assuming three asset classes with 40% in long-term government bonds, 30% in Canadian equities and 30% in international equities.

Expect bond yields to rise Bonds are currently at the bottom of a 60-year interest cycle so yields are expected to rise over the next 25 to 30 years. As yields rise, long-term bonds will produce capital losses that will reduce total return. This has already started as bond funds have registered a net loss in the first eight months of 2013. 

Indeed, there have been 25-year periods when bonds lost money in real terms. Nevertheless, we will go with the consensus that real returns on long-term bonds will average about 1.25% over the next 25 years.

Expect equities to rise less Actuaries generally expect that Canadian equities will generate real returns of 5.25% over the next quarter century; this is less than the 6.7% or so that they have generated historically but an aging population implies a slower economy.  Real returns on international equities are expected to be a little higher, about 5.75%.

Factor in rebalancing Put this all together and we derive a nominal return of 6.05%. (Nominal means we added back in the inflation component.)    We can then bump this up by the closest thing to a free lunch that you are apt to find in the investment world: If we assume the portfolio is going to be re-balanced regularly (to maintain the 40-30-30 mix), the actual return will be a little higher than if the asset mix is allowed to drift. We can therefore round up our estimated return to about 6.4% to reflect regular re-balancing.

Assume 6% gains Finally, we knock off about 0.5% for management fees to come up with our final estimate of 5.9%, which we will round up to 6%.

Even though this seems like a lot less than the 8.5% return that fund managers actually achieved over the past 50 years, the past and the future may not be as different as they look.

The 8.5% return cited above does not factor in management fees. If we assume the same 0.5% annual fee, past returns are now down to 8.0%. Next, the average inflation in the period 1963-2012 was 4.1% versus our forecast of 2.25% for the next 25 years.
If we subtract out inflation, we get a real return of 3.9% for the past 50 years versus 3.75% for the next 25 years (6% less 2.25%). Our forecast is starting to look a lot more reasonable.

Can you do better than 6%? It will be very difficult in a low inflation environment; to have any real chance, you would have to take on more risk (meaning investing heavily in equities) and avoid high investment management fees. It also helps to stay away from long-term bonds, especially government bonds.

You would also need a little luck, and you just might get it. If you look at all the 25-year periods since 1924, the average real return on Canadian equities has ranged from a low of 3.0% to a high of 10.3%, so it is certainly possible we will beat the 5.25% estimate for real returns on equities that we used in this analysis.

Consider the 1979 article in BusinessWeek entitled “The Death of Equities.” It argued that equities had fallen into disfavour by 1979. Evidence included a 10-year rise in gold prices, individual investors leaving the stock marketin droves after suffering big losses a few years earlier, people putting their faith in housing as their major investment rather than stocks, and institutions seeking alternative investments in order to boost real returns. Sound familiar? The return over the next 20  years on supposedly dead U.S. equities averaged 17.87% a year. All we can do is hope.


Fred Vettese is chief actuary of Morneau Shepell and co-author of The Real Retirement.

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