Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Friday, July 11, 2014

End of Fed`s Bond Buying, Insider Trading Trial, and Sizing up the Black Markets

In June, Janet L. Yellen, the Fed chairwoman, said the Fed's exit strategy would come later.
Fed, Confident in Economy, Details End of Bond-Buying Program


The decision signals the end of one of the central bank's most aggressive efforts to stimulate the economy.
. Fed Minutes Encourage Wall St. as Stocks Close Higher
Daniel Gitner belongs to the close-knit group of former prosecutors turned white-collar defenders in Manhattan.


Daniel Gitner, the Defender Who Ended Prosecutors' Winning Streak in Trading Cases


The lawyer who stopped Preet Bharara's perfect record in prosecuting insider trading cases overcame public anger with Wall Street to win a not-guilty verdict for Rengan Rajaratnam.
. DealBook: The Next Step for Rengan Rajaratnam
A sex club in La Jonquera, Spain. The European Union wants a more accurate reading of each country's gross domestic product, including the wages of sin.
Sizing Up Black Markets and Red-Light Districts for G.D.P.


With countries in the European Union obliged to reduce their debt as a percentage of their economies, the quantifying of vice is expected to make growth rates look rosier.
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