Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Friday, October 23, 2015

"Life is better now than at almost any time in history."

Newest Nobel laureate Angus Deaton: "Life is better now than at almost any time in history."

Nobel in Economics Given to Angus Deaton for Studies of Consumption

Angus Deaton Gets Nobel in Economics
Professor Deaton, 69, of Princeton, is best known for his study of the choices of individual consumers.
By REUTERS on Publish Date October 12, 2015.
 Photo by Jonathan Nackstrand/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images.
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The economist Angus Deaton has devoted his career to improving the data that shape public policy, including measures of wealth and poverty, savings and consumption, health and happiness.
Taking advantage of faster computers and an explosion of newly accessible information, he assembled the details of many individual lives to better understand the sweep of economic trends.
On Monday around 6:10 a.m., when his wife handed him the telephone, Mr. Deaton, a professor at Princeton University, learned that he had won the 2015 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science.
“To design economic policy that promotes welfare and reduces poverty, we must first understand individual consumption choices,” the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in announcing the economics prize, the last of this year’s Nobels. “More than anyone else, Angus Deaton has enhanced this understanding.”

Professor Deaton’s name has appeared for years on lists of likely laureates even though he lacks a namesake theory or defining breakthrough. Despite his relative obscurity, his colleagues and peers said he deserved recognition for refining a rigorous approach to studying economic development based on careful consideration of detailed data.

Prof. Angus Deaton, winner of the 2015 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science. Credit Larry Levanti/Princeton University, European Pressphoto Agency

“Suppose you wanted to understand the effect of a subsidy on rice on the well-being of farmers,” said Dani Rodrik, a Harvard professor of international political economy. “He has produced an approach that you can actually use with household data to trace through the effect of something like this on the well-being of different farmers.”
Professor Deaton also has championed the collection and use of new kinds of data, particularly about developing countries that often lack the statistics readily available in the United States.
In his presidential address to the American Economic Association in 2010, Professor Deaton criticized some popular poverty measures, such as the count of people living on less than $1 day. He said measures like that overstated the prevalence of poverty; he encouraged increased reliance on surveys of individual household circumstances.
“Simple ways of looking at the world are often the basis of policy, and if the statements are wrong, then the policy may be wrong also,” said the economist Janet M. Currie, a Princeton colleague. “He’s always had a concern for trying to capture the complexity of the real world.”
Professor Deaton also has collaborated in recent years with the psychologist Daniel Kahneman, a fellow Princeton professor and a previous economics laureate, on work showing that happiness increases with income, but only up to about $75,000 a year. (Measures that ask people to assess overall well-being show that more money helps beyond that figure.)
Professor Deaton, 69, was born in Scotland and educated at Cambridge before taking a job at Princeton in 1983. He is a British and American citizen.
Professor Currie, a former student of Professor Deaton’s and now his nominal boss as chairwoman of the economics department at Princeton, described him as “enormously funny and witty and well read, frighteningly erudite and very good company.”
In an interview on Monday, Professor Deaton said he had taken an interest in economic development because “there’s a real moral urgency to understanding how people behave and what we should or might be able to do about it.”

He said the circumstances of his upbringing also played a role.
“I grew up in Edinburgh,” he said. “It was a cold, messy and miserable place to grow up, and I dreamed of going to tropical, colorful, hot countries.”
Economics before the 1980s relied on the assumption that the people represented by a large economic aggregate behaved in roughly the same way, not because that made sense but because accounting for diversity was too hard.
Faster computers allowed the creation of models that incorporated differences in behavior. The Nobel committee cited Professor Deaton’s work around 1980 in modeling demand for individual goods, which was both some of the earliest work in that vein and a model that remains in wide use.
In continuing his research, he found that rising incomes tend to improve calorie intake for the poorest families, but the effect diminishes at higher income levels. Aggregate statistics, as a result, obscured the benefits of income gains for very poor families.
“What he’s shown is that you do learn a great deal more by looking at the behavior that underlies the aggregates,” said Duncan Thomas, an economist at Duke University and another former student.
Professor Thomas said he also admired Professor Deaton’s clarity. “He will bring evidence to the table in a way that makes you say, ‘Well, of course that has to be right,’ ” Professor Thomas said.

His work also is marked by an insistence that theories must explain these more complicated sets of facts. “A good theoretical account must explain all of the evidence that we see,” Professor Deaton wrote in a 2011 essay on his life in economics. “If it doesn’t work everywhere, we have no idea what we are talking about, and all is chaos.”
He has perhaps contributed more to the disruption of old understandings than the creation of new ones.
“There’s a fair amount of policy agnosticism that comes from this — it emphasizes more the heterogeneity of outcomes,” Professor Rodrik said of Professor Deaton. “He’s somebody with quite a sharp tongue, and he’s often had as his target people who make very strong statements about this policy or that policy.”
Proponents of foreign aid programs are a frequent target. Professor Deaton has argued that such investments often undermine local governance and the development of institutions necessary to sustain development.
One conclusion his writings have emphasized is the astonishing break between most of human history and modern times.
“Life is better now than at almost any time in history,” he wrote in the opening lines of his 2013 book “The Great Escape,” a popular account of his work. “More people are richer and fewer people live in dire poverty. Lives are longer and parents no longer routinely watch a quarter of their children die.”

He counts climate change and increased economic inequality in developed nations as threats to this progress. He has noted in other work that inequality occurs naturally because of divergent luck, but he has said that the growing gaps in recent years pose a new economic and political challenge.
“I think inequality has gone past the point where it’s helping us all get rich, and it’s really becoming a serious threat,” he said. Professor Deaton said he was “pretty sleepy” when he took the telephone from his wife Monday morning.
“I was surprised and delighted,” he said. “It was wonderful to hear the voices of my friends on the committee.”

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