Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Turning $1,000 Into $42 Million

Ken Fisher Contributor
29-year Forbes columnist, money manager and bestselling author. full bio →


Turning $1,000 Into $42 Million

This story appears in the December 16, 2013 issue of Forbes.

I have been writing for this magazine for 29-plus years, and with this issue I pass Lucien O. Hooper to become the third-longest-running “expert” columnist in FORBES’ 96-year history. 

Lucien may have been the most popular ever for what Steve Forbes recalls as his “conversational way,” and even though he died 25 years ago, his investing lessons still hold today.

Lucien oozed his Maine farm boy origins. A Harvard dropout, Lucien began at the bottom of the Boston Commercial in 1919, eventually overseeing statistics while penning a commodity column. Soon he was writing stock market commentary for multiple brokerage firms now long forgotten (remember E.A. Pierce?) and became a leader on security and financial analysis.

Lucien’s arrival at FORBES came via Helen Slade. If Ben Graham is the father of security analysis, then Helen is surely its mother. Ben, in fact, was Helen’s prime disciple. Number two? Lucien. 

When Helen started The Analysts Journal in 1945 (today’s Financial Analysts Journal and the bible to the scholarly set), she had Ben and Lucien debate each other in the very first issue. (So typical of him, Lucien always said he lost. No one lost. Everyone won.)

Helen hosted legendary “Tipsters Wednesday night soirees” once a month–40 to 50 financial folk, swilling, spilling and grilling each other’s market ideas. 

Even my introverted father attended when in New York, and one July evening in 1949 so did a 29-year-old Malcolm Forbes, who had an amazing knack for picking people and recognized that Lucien knew his stuff, made the abstract comfortable and endured where “smarter men usually fail,” as Lucien put it.
On Aug. 15, 1949 Lucien’s first column came out swinging–correctly claiming the three-year bear market was over. Stocks skyrocketed until 1956. He pushed people to quality growth shares, which also proved right then. Sure, he made mistakes–he missed the 1974 downturn and proved too cautious in the ensuing bull market, prompting him to wind up his column on Jan. 1, 1979. But overall he was more right than wrong.

In FORBES he coined classic lines like “[Investors] make more money with the seat of their pants than the soles of their feet.”

He called out-of-favor stocks “ex-friends and ex-possibilities.” 

He explained the difference between short-term and long-term plays as the kind you “take out for the evening” versus ones you “take home to mamma.” (He dealt in both but said most folks “make more money with mamma.”)

His overarching counsel was to pick among his picks–then let the winners run very, very long. 

In honor of Lucien here are five of his picks that I like now–and I show how rich you would be if you had put $1,000 then into each (in a tax-free account) when he first recommended them, and reinvested all dividends:

He recommended ROYAL DUTCH SHELL (RDS.B, 71) on Dec. 15, 1974. That $1,000 then is worth more than $452,000 now. I just recommended it again on Nov. 18.

My first big hit in life, in 1975, was coatings, glass and chemical maker PPG INDUSTRIES (PPG, 183) . I think it’s a potential hit again. Lucien’s Oct. 1, 1976 entry would turn $1,000 into more than $172,000 today.

One of my father’s early big hits was Motorola in 1953, now MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS (MSI, 65) . Lucien was there first on Feb. 1, 1950–and $1,000 then exceeds $735,000 now.

PROCTER & GAMBLE (PG, 85) should beat the rest of this bull market. Lucien’s pick at year-end 1950 would be worth more than $1.1 million now.

The topper? KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN (KSU, 122) –our very best railroad. Lucien picked it in his first column and many times since. A $1,000 stake on Aug. 15, 1949, reinvested, is worth more than $42 million now–one of history’s best picks and one worth repeating. 

Then or now, you read it in FORBES first.


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