Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Compiling 'Sustainability Statistics' is a new area of value analysis.

Sustainability is the Moneyball of the Global Economy - Bloomberg

Moneyball tells the story of Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane, who two decades ago threw aside commonly held assumptions about how to build a team roster. He proved that deep statistical measurement and analysis are more useful than conventional wisdom, sending the A's to the World Series on one of the lowest budgets in baseball.

Sustainability is an area that requires statistics to measure performance: statistics that are not currently available and deciding what are the relevant things to measure... relevant statistics to record.

Investors are pushing for new kinds of sustainability “stats” to measure an investment's prospects. 

The people who want the 'stats' are the prescient fund manager or company executive. Instead of restricting his understanding of a company's value to traditional financial metrics, these investors are looking at environment, social and governance data (ESG).

Sustainability are focusing on who is consistently moving forward. ESG disclosure scores. There are dozens of possible ESG metrics. Topics are as universal as greenhouse gas emissions, water use, employee sustainability training or percentage of board members that are women. Measures are also sector-specific, such as number of spills, which are monitored in extractive industries.

Corporate sustainability reporting is still missing the uniformity and ubiquity of traditional financial reporting. Movements are afoot on some stock exchanges to encourage sustainability reporting, including initiatives at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Brazil’s Bovespa.

Despite much progress at collecting ESG data, now measured by financial data companies including Bloomberg and Reuters, the current backlog of five years of aggregate data is insufficient to quantify the value of pursuing sustainability. 

Do sustainability efforts drive better stock performance? What are the best ways for investors to weigh a company's sustainability? 

The Alberta Tar Sands Mega-project is constantly in the press worldwide decrying its environmental impact. Some call it an environmental disaster in the making.  Hard data is continually being gathered and analyzed.  What does an investor consider to be relevant statistical information to measure the value of the companies involved in the project.  Good Corporate Citizenship or potential lawsuits over desecrated water, land and atmosphere are points to be considered.

Alberta Tar Sands

File:Athabasca Oil Sands map.png


Syncrude's Mildred Lake mine site and plant near Fort McMurrayAlberta
Canada is the largest supplier of crude oil and refined products to the United States.

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