Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Daily Must Do's

Five daily must-dos to keep your business humming - The Globe and Mail:

Here are some important, if not fundamental, things that should be part of your daily to-do list:

1. Keep the sales machine humming

Whether business is strong or struggling, you have to keep on selling. You can work on sales calls, cold calls, the creation of sales and marketing material, social media activity, or presentations. Whether it’s a hard sell or a soft sell, the funnel needs to be kept as full as possible.

2. Network, network and network some more

A strong network is among the most valuable assets that a business can have. It is the people and the companies within your network that can drive sales, generate new customers and opportunities.

3. Keep your books up to date

Too many business, particularly small ones, stuff receipts and invoices in a shoe box, and then spend hours wading through it every few weeks or months. A better approach is to spend time on your books every day. Even if it is only a few minutes, it can be enough to maintain control of your finances and, as important, avoid the dreaded shoebox pile.

4. Love your customers

While it is important to attract new customers, your existing customers should get a lot of TLC because they have already made the commitment to do business with you. If you meet their needs, there is a better chance they will give you more business.

5. Keep exploring ways to do business better or differently

Your business will change and evolve, customers will come and go, and the economy will rise and fall. All that means that you can’t be complacent or stick with the status quo, or your business could become stagnant.

Instead, you need to explore new tools, services and approaches to keep things in your business fresh and current.

Special to The Globe and Mail:
Mark Evans, ME Consulting (communications and marketing)
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