Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Occupy the Mortgage Lenders

Published: Saturday 22 October 2011

Par­tic­i­pants in the Oc­cupy Wall Street move­ment are right to argue that the big banks have never prop­erly been in­ves­ti­gated for the mort­gage orig­i­na­tion, ag­gre­ga­tion, and se­cu­ri­ti­za­tion be­hav­ior that was cen­tral to the fi­nan­cial cri­sis – and to the loss of more than eight mil­lion jobs.
Talks among state of­fi­cials, the Obama ad­min­is­tra­tion, and the banks are cur­rently fo­cused on re­ported abuses in ser­vic­ing mort­gages, fore­clos­ing on homes, and evict­ing their res­i­dents. 

But lead­ing banks are also ac­cused of il­le­gal be­hav­ior – in­duc­ing peo­ple to bor­row, for ex­am­ple, by de­ceiv­ing them about the in­ter­est rate that would ac­tu­ally be paid, while mis­rep­re­sent­ing the re­sult­ing mort­gage-backed se­cu­ri­ties to investors.
About 10 mil­lion mort­gages are es­ti­mated to be “un­der­wa­ter” (the house is worth less than the loan). And, in key markets around the US, four years into the hous­ing slump, home prices continue to fall.

As a re­sult, house­holds want to spend less and pay down their debts. To some ex­tent, this is the nat­ural af­ter­math of any credit boom. And house­hold delever­ag­ing in the US will take a long time.

If the banks were ever re­ally held ac­count­able for the so­cial costs of their be­hav­ior, the bill would far ex­ceed $300-400 bil­lion. Re­al­is­ti­cally as­sessed, the full down­side legal risks to fi­nan­cial in­sti­tu­tions are in ex­cess of $1 tril­lion – par­tic­u­larly if it can be demon­strated that the “mort­gage-backed se­cu­ri­ties” sold to in­vestors were not backed by mort­gages at all, be­cause the proper legal pa­per­work was never done.

Any set­tle­ment should also in­clude the banks’ ex­plicit agree­ment that they will sup­port mod­i­fy­ing Amer­ica’s bank­ruptcy law to en­able in­clu­sion of mort­gages in the usual court-run processes. If the Oc­cupy Wall Street move­ment tells us any­thing, it is that the last thing the US econ­omy needs is more house­holds over­whelmed by debt.

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