Greed and Capitalism

What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
- Milton Friedman

Monday, December 31, 2012

Investment-related quotes

There are only two kinds of forecasters – those who don’t know and those who don’t know they don’t know. 
John Kenneth Galbraith

A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.
Robert Frost

When the tide goes out you can see who has been swimming naked.
Warren Buffett

Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.
Warren Buffett

Short-term clients look for gurus.  Long-term clients want sages.  There are no gurus.
Harold Evensky

Security is mostly a superstition; it doesn’t exist in nature.
Helen Keller

For all long-term investors, there is only one objective – maximum total real return after taxes.
John Templeton

 “Send your grain across the seas,
and in time, profits will flow back to you.
But divide your investments among many places,
for you do not know what risks might lie ahead.
When clouds are heavy, the rains come down…
…Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant.
If they watch every cloud, they never harvest…
…Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another – or maybe both…”
King Solomon

The beginning is the most important part of the work.

A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.
Suze Orman

He who wishes to be rich in a day will be hanged in a year.
Leonardo da Vinci

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. 
Albert Einstein

Compound interest is the most powerful force on earth.
Albert Einstein

It’s not that I am smarter; I just stay with problems longer.
Albert Einstein

He that cannot abide a bad market, deserves not a good one.
John Ray 

The evidence on investment managers’ success with market timing is impressive – and overwhelmingly negative.
Charles D. Ellis 

Money is of a prolific generating nature.  Money can beget money, and its offspring can beget more.
Benjamin Franklin

Time is Archimedes’ lever in investing.
Charles D. Ellis 

Change is the investor’s only certainty.
T. Rowe Price, Jr.

The nightingale which cannot bear the thorn – it is best that it should never speak of the rose.

Risk drives returns.
Charles Ellis

You have to pick what you’re going to be worried about.  Markets are volatile, but retirement is certain.
Nick Murray

Not to decide is to decide.
Gary Helms

Pay tax on what you take not what you make.  If you can eliminate the government as 39.6% partner, then you will be much better off.
Warren Buffett

Any security specific selection decision is preceded either implicitly or explicitly by an asset allocation decision.
Scott Lummer and Mark Riepe

The most treasured asset in investment management is a steady hand at the tiller.
Robert Arnott

The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to get the most feathers with the least hissing.
Jean Batiste Colbert

What the wise man does in the beginning, the fool does in the end.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform. "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.  It's what you know for certain that just ain't true."  Thinking that you know the future.
Mark Twain

Never forget the six-foot tall man who drowned crossing the river that was five feet deep on average.  The important thing to remember about investing is that it is not sufficient to set up a portfolio that will survive on average.  The key is to survive at the low ends.
Howard Marks

"Risk means more things can happen than will happen.”  It is not standard deviation.  It is not variability.  It is this sense that the future events are highly variable and unknowable that gives us the best sense for risk.
Elroy Dimson

Smart investing doesn't consist of buying good assets, but of buying assets well.  This is a very, very important distinction that very, very few people understand.
Howard Marks

As weather is to climate, so is the short term to the long term, if we think of forming an outlook or forecast.
Howard Marks

Markets act on new information which by definition nobody has.

I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.
Jackie Mason

The Best Investment-Related Quotes

Jordan Belfort - The Wolf of Wall Street - YouTube

loaded on Jul 5, 2010
Join Grant Lewers for a special discussion with Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street Jordan?s two bestselling books have been published in forty-three countries and translated into eighteen different languages. He is a frequent guest-commentator on CNN, CNBC, Headlines News and the BBC. His life-story is currently being turned into a major motion picture by Warner Brothers, with Leonardo Dicaprio set to play Belfort and Martin Scorsese set to direct. Filming is to begin in 2010.

Jordan Belfort - The Wolf of Wall Street - YouTube

Sunday, December 30, 2012




Charlie Rose - An Hour with Warren Buffett - YouTube

Charlie Rose - An Hour with Warren Buffett - YouTube

Hedge Fund Structure and Fees - YouTube

Uploaded on Apr 19, 2011

Learn more:
Understanding how hedge funds are structured and how the managers get paid

Hedge Fund Structure and Fees - YouTube

Warren Buffett speaks to UGA students - YouTube

Uploaded on Apr 4, 2011
Terry College of Business, 2001.
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Warren Buffett speaks to UGA students - YouTube

Jordan Belfort - The Wolf of Wall Street - YouTube

Uploaded on Jul 5, 2010

Join Grant Lewers for a special discussion with Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street Jordan's two bestselling books have been published in forty-three countries and translated into eighteen different languages.

He is a frequent guest-commentator on CNN, CNBC, Headlines News and the BBC. His life-story is currently being turned into a major motion picture by Warner Brothers, with Leonardo Dicaprio set to play Belfort and Martin Scorsese set to direct. Filming is to begin in 2010.

Jordan Belfort - The Wolf of Wall Street - YouTube

19. Investment Banks - YouTube

Published on Apr 5, 2012

Financial Markets (2011) (ECON 252)

Professor Shiller characterizes investment banking by contrasting it to consulting, commercial banking, and securities trading.

Then, in order to see the essence of investment banking, he reviews some of the principles that John Whitehead, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs, has formulated.

These principles are the basis for a discussion of the substantial power that investment bankers have, and their role in society.

Government regulation of these powerful investment banks has been a thorny issue for many years, and especially so now since they played a significant role in world financial crisis of the 2000s.

00:00 - Chapter 1. Key Elements of Investment Banking
09:50 - Chapter 2. Principles and Culture of Investment Banking
16:54 - Chapter 3. Regulation of Investment Banking
27:21 - Chapter 4. Shadow Banking and the Repo Market
33:04 - Chapter 5. Founger: From ECON 252 to Wall Street
46:24 - Chapter 6. Fougner: Steps to Take Today to Work on Wall Street
53:49 - Chapter 7. Fougner: From Wall Street to Silicon Valley, Experiences at Facebook
57:56 - Chapter 8. Fougner: Question and Answer Session

Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:

This course was recorded in Spring 2011.
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19. Investment Banks - YouTube

Saturday, December 22, 2012

10 Amazing Investment Quotes You've Probably Never Heard

There are an uncountable number of articles promising "the best investment quotes of all time," or some variation. Most are good reads; but they've become predictable.

You know exactly what they're going to contain: Buffett's line about being fearful when others are greedy, Peter Lynch's deal about buying what you know, and a few classic Ben Graham hits. Same quotes again and again.

So, a while back, I did some digging and found 10 great investing quotes that aren't as popular. Enjoy.

"Risk is what's left over when you think you've thought of everything." -- Carl Richards

Financial advisors say you should have six months of expenses saved as an emergency fund. That's planning. The average duration of unemployment today is 10 months. That's risk.

"In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable." -- Robert Arnott

Think about this: Three years after the book Dow 36,000 was published, stocks were down 40%. Three years after The Great Depression Ahead  was published, stocks had doubled.

"When a possibility is unfamiliar to us, we do not even think about it." -- Nate Silver

The two biggest financial stories of the last 12 years were 9/11, and the financial crisis. Be honest with yourself: How often did you think about the possibility of these two things happening before they actually happened? If you're like 99.9% of people, the answer is never.

"People focus on role models; it is more effective to find antimodels -- people you don't want to resemble when you grow up." -- Nassim Taleb

You want to study the greats -- great investors like Buffett and Lynch, and great companies like Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL  ) and Costco (NASDAQ: COST  ) . But you also want to study the failures. Kodak. General Motors (NYSE: GM  ) . Enron. Long-term Capital Management. Lehman Brothers. You'll probably learn more from the failures than you will from the greats.

"Pundits forecast not because they know, but because they are asked." -- John Kenneth Galbraith

There's zero accountability of financial pundits. In fact, the most popular media faces are almost never right, as websites like are showing. Keep that in mind when sifting through financial news.

"Being slow and steady means that you're willing to exchange the opportunity of making a killing for the assurance of never getting killed." -- Carl Richards

I recently interviewed value investor Mohnish Pabrai, who had dinner a few years ago with Buffett. Pabrai asked Buffett what happened to a former business partner he used to pick stocks with. (I don't want to name him because he's still in business today.) Buffett said they went their separate ways because the former partner was too eager to get rich, which meant leverage and, eventually, margin calls.

Meanwhile, Buffett and partner Charlie Munger "always knew they were going to be rich and were in no hurry." Look who came out ahead.

"If you look carefully, almost all Old Money secrets can be traced to a single source: a longer-term outlook." -- Bill Bonner

It's well known that markets have become more short term. So what? No one said you have to become short term. My colleague Jeremy Phillips calls this "time arbitrage," or "the concept of buying a stock from those with a different time horizon, and selling on our own terms."

"No one can foresee the consequences of trivia and accident, and for that reason alone, the future will forever be filled with surprises." -- Dan Gardner

Speaks for itself. Some of the best investors have succeeded not because they've predicted the future, but because they've dealt with surprises better than most. That usually means having more cash and less debt than seems reasonable.

"The stock market is a giant distraction to the business of investing." -- John Bogle

Motley Fool advisor Ron Gross says we should think of the market as a company market, not a stock market. Here's a good example: On May 10, 2010, the Dow Jones (DJINDICES: ^DJI  )  briefly fell almost 1,000 points, as high-frequency traders tripped over themselves. But it's safe to say that not a single non-financial business in the world was affected in any measureable way. That's the difference between a company market and a stock market.

"In the corporate world, if you have analysts, due diligence, and no horse sense, you've just described hell." -- Charlie Munger

Really smart people with Ph.D.s used sophisticated math models to conclude that mortgage lending was sound in 2005. They failed miserably. Country bumpkins who didn't know what a balance sheet was said, "Hey, my brother is broke and just got a $500,000 mortgage. That ain't right." They won.


10 Amazing Investment Quotes You've Probably Never Heard

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ludwig von Mises Institute : The Austrian School Is Advancing Liberty


"We owe the origin and development of human society and, consequently, of culture and civilization, to the fact that work performed under the division of labor is more productive than when performed in isolation."

— Ludwig von Mises, in Epistemological Problems of Economics

Ludwig von Mises Institute : The Austrian School Is Advancing Liberty


Friday, December 7, 2012

What legalization means for a medical marijuana startup

What legalization means for a medical marijuana startup

Over the past few years, Leafly CEO Brendan Kennedy has told potential investors that marijuana legalization is both inevitable and much closer than people realize. He refers to a “Berlin Wall” of marijuana prohibition that’s waiting to be taken down.

With Washington (I-502) and Colorado (Amendment 64) becoming the first two states to legalize marijuana yesterday, that deconstruction has officially begun.
“The Berlin Wall of cannabis prohibition began to crumble last night,” Kennedy said Wednesday. “The time for Leafly and Privateer Holdings is now.”

We wrote about Leafly last week, profiling the innovative Seattle-based startup that is essentially a hybrid of Yelp and Consumer Reports for medical marijuana patients. But after Tuesday’s historic vote, we wanted to reconnect with the company.
Here’s what Kennedy had to say.

Leafly management team: Michael Blue, Brendan Kennedy and Christian Groh.

GeekWire: First off, what’s your reaction to yesterday’s ballot results with marijuana implications? 

Kennedy: Yesterday’s ballot results went exactly as we expected. While developing our investment thesis, we meticulously analyzed everything about this industry on a daily basis for the past three years. We were in Colorado a few weeks ago and knew that Amendment 64 would pass there. We knew that I- 502 in Washington would be approved. We also believed the voters of Massachusetts’ would approve Question 3. The only surprise for us was Issue 5 in Arkansas being within 25,000 votes (49% For and 49% Against). Arkansas could have been won with a small amount of additional capital donated to the campaign.

Over the last two years, we have received many looks of disbelief when we have told people that we are past the tipping point and cannabis prohibition was going to start to end in November 2012. We have learned that being out ahead of the curve is much harder than we thought, but having the results turn out just as we predicted feels pretty darn good.
GW: How does the legalization of marijuana affect Leafly’s future?  
Kennedy: Legalization of marijuana will make many of Leafly’s operations easier. Even though Leafly does not prescribe, grow, ship, sell or distribute any medical cannabis, we have faced many difficulties over the last two years.
Easy, simple tasks for any other startup or PE firm — such as picking a bank, lawyer, accountant, auditor, PR firm, and marketing firm — were herculean efforts for us because of the complexities related to being in the medical cannabis industry.

Leafly sorts medical marijuana strains based on medical use and effects to the body.

Big tobacco, alcohol, and pharma ache to get into the cannabis market, but public company regulations and public relations effectively bar their participation. Venture capital firms and private equity firms would love to invest in this space, but they can’t. As a private company solely targeting this industry, we do not face their constraints.

Last night will also help us close our current investment round. The individuals and family offices that have made investments with us have been great. Interest over the last week has spiked significantly.

GW: Did you think something like this would happen (legalization) when you first started 
thinking about Leafly?

Kennedy: Since we first began researching the medical cannabis industry we have believed that cannabis re-legalization is inevitable. When we first started thinking about Privateer Holdings and Leafly we were very mindful of three oft-repeated rules about investing: (1) Don’t invest in art. (2) Don’t invest in restaurants. (3) Don’t invest in anything where success requires political change. We devised Leafly’s strategy so that we could succeed with the continual expansion of legal medical cannabis beyond the current 18 states and D.C. The medical cannabis industry was $1.7 billion in 2011 and is projected to expand to $8.9 billion by 2016. More and more states (like Massachusetts) are going to enact medical cannabis laws. Patients in these states will need sites like Leafly and the other companies that we are building.

Users can review different strains on Leafly.

The fact that the voters in Washington and Colorado voted to terminate the failed 75 year experiment of cannabis prohibition sends a message to the Federal government. We believe that other states will follow. On December 6th, cannabis will be legal under Washington state law. Cannabis is Washington state’s #2 crop (after apples) at $1.2 billion. Leafly is a Washington state corporation because we predicted that these events would occur. We built Leafly to focus on the medical cannabis market, but yesterday’s results will open up additional opportunities for us in Washington and Colorado.

GW: How do these new laws affect the industry as a whole?
Kennedy: We believe the new laws will result in more interest in the medical cannabis industry. Medical cannabis is an industry that has been fragmented, immature, and unprofessionally managed. The current market suffers from poor public perception, a lack of standardization, and no institutional investors.

Leafly is available both for iOS and Android devices.

Despite these issues, even before the legalization measures in WA and CO passed, the market has been expanding rapidly and is conservatively estimated at $18-40 billion. The market is in desperate need of professionalism, solid infrastructure, and consolidation, which is what we have sought to do with Privateer Holdings and Leafly. We will continue to build out Leafly, make additional acquisitions, and build new companies.
Although we predicted legalization would come, I feel like there is a lot more pressure on us in the business community. We have a moral responsibility to the activists, lawyers, sponsors and campaigners who fought for I-502 and A-64. It is our turn now. Business is the best form of political activism. The next two years are critical because for this experiment in re-legalization to succeed, we need to ensure that this industry is a responsible and professional business community.
The new laws legalizing marijuana will also create jobs. Over the last week as people realized that the ballot measures were going to pass, we have seen a steady increase in new paid account signups, overall traffic, and investor interest in Leafly. We have been predicting the approval of these ballot measures for the last two years, but the last 12 hours has been hectic and we feel slightly shorthanded. This morning, our engineers added a few additional servers to effectively manage the additional web traffic, but we are going to need to hire some additional employees. I-502 is about to create its first jobs in Washington state right here at Leafly.

Previously on GeekWire: Leafly: Like Yelp and Consumer Reports … for medical marijuana

Reach staff reporter Taylor Soper at or on Twitter @Taylor_Soper


Monday, November 26, 2012

Goldman to Clients: Brace for Another 8% Drop in S&P — US Business News - CNBC

 The S&P 500 is set to fall another 8 percent by the end of the year, on top of the 7 percent decline seen since the year’s high reached in September, according to a new strategy note by Goldman Sachs.

“Uncertainty swirling around the “fiscal cliff” that must be resolved by year end, the pending jump in capital gains taxes at the start of 2013, and the debt ceiling that will be reached in late February, represent clear and present downside risks to the market in the near term,” wrote the analysts, headed by Chief U.S. Equity Strategist David Kostin.

Kostin said the fiscal cliff — a series of tax increases and spending cuts worth $600 billion due to hit the U.S. at the start of 2013 — will ultimately be avoided, but assigned only a 55 percent likelihood to the issue being resolved by the end of this year. A solution is dependent on Democrats and Republicans in Congress and the White House reaching agreement on how debt levels should be reduced.

 Kostin was more bullish on the S&P 500 over the medium-term, and forecast the index would end 2013 at 1,575 points, an increase of 16 percent on current levels.

 “The S&P 500 has near-term political risk but long-term policy support,” he said. “Although we believe investors will have an opportunity over the near-term to buy the S&P 500 at a level below today, portfolio managers with a longer-term horizon should consider increasing equity exposure.”

 Kostin highlighted that the S&P 500 fell 17 percent between July 25 and Aug. 8 last year, as the U.S. debt ceiling deadline approached. He said those declines had also created an attractive entry point.

"In retrospect, the sell-off created an attractive investment opportunity, given the S&P 500 has since rallied by 21 percent," he said.

On Monday, Michael Crofton, CEO of the Philadelphia Trust Co., told CNBC’s “Worldwide Exchange” that U.S. equity investors were waiting for further news on the fiscal deliberations before positioning themselves. 

“I do not think we go over the fiscal cliff, but I also do not think we are very close to a solution,” he said. 

—By’s Katy Barnato
© 2012

Goldman to Clients: Brace for Another 8% Drop in S&P — US Business News - CNBC


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Investment Falls Off a Cliff -

U.S. Companies Cut Spending Plans Amid Fiscal and Economic Uncertainty

U.S. companies are scaling back investment plans at the fastest pace since the recession, signaling more trouble for the economic recovery.

U.S. companies are scaling back investment plans at the fastest pace since the recession, signaling more trouble for the economic recovery. Sudeep Reddy reports on Markets Hub. Photo: AP.

Motorola CEO Greg Brown warned Congress that inaction on the 'fiscal cliff' will undermine the U.S. economy; Intel announced the retirement of CEO Paul Otellini; Netpage's CEO Paul Morris joins Digits to discuss his new interactive app. Photo: Getty.

Half of the nation's 40 biggest publicly traded corporate spenders have announced plans to curtail capital expenditures this year or next, according to a review by The Wall Street Journal of securities filings and conference calls.

Nationwide, business investment in equipment and software—a measure of economic vitality in the corporate sector—stalled in the third quarter for the first time since early 2009. Corporate investment in new buildings has declined.

At the same time, exports are slowing or falling to such critical markets as China and the euro zone as the global economy downshifts, creating another drag on firms' expansion plans.

Corporate executives say they are slowing or delaying big projects to protect profits amid easing demand and rising uncertainty. Uncertainty around the U.S. elections and federal budget policies also appear among the factors driving the investment pullback since midyear. It is unclear whether Washington will avert the so-called fiscal cliff, tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to begin Jan. 2.

Companies fear that failure to resolve the fiscal cliff will tip the economy back into recession by sapping consumer spending, damaging investor confidence and eating into corporate profits. A deal to avert the cliff could include tax-code changes, such as revamping tax breaks or rates, that hurt specific sectors.

President Barack Obama called a number of business executives over the weekend, including Warren Buffett, Apple Inc. AAPL +1.74% Chief Executive Tim Cook and J.P. Morgan Chase's JPM +0.88% James Dimon, to promote his solution to the looming budget crisis. All sides in Washington, in a departure from a year of deep divisions, have pledged to work together and compromise to avoid going over the cliff.

"The whole world is looking for stability and clarity from the United States," said David Seaton, chief executive of Fluor Corp., FLR +1.01% a large engineering and construction firm. If uncertainty isn't removed, he said, "people will sit on their war chests of cash and return it to shareholders. You'll have a retarded growth trajectory."

Should the White House and Congress strike a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff, the economy could get a boost. "You might very well get a burst of pent-up demand coming at the start of next year," said Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics, a consultancy.

"Given the timing of the drop-off in business investment," he said, "you have to think it's not just a coincidence with the timing of the fiscal cliff."

Unless the business investment slowdown reverses quickly, it could weigh further on growth prospects and the stock market.

Collectively, the members of the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index spent $580 billion on plants and equipment in 2011, according to calculations by the Journal from data supplied by S&P Capital IQ. Spending has run ahead of that pace throughout the year but has slowed in recent months. The latest retrenchment includes such household names as Wal-Mart Stores Inc., WMT +1.90% Ford Motor Co., F +1.65% Boeing Co., BA +0.81% Intel Corp. INTC +1.86% and Walt Disney Co. DIS +1.19%

During the 2007-09 recession, businesses cut back sharply on all kinds of spending. But investment helped propel the recovery, growing faster than the rest of the economy from the second half of 2009, once the recession ended, through the first half of this year. That helped many companies boost productivity and profits without adding new workers.

The Fiscal Cliff

If Congress doesn't reach a budget deal, the U.S. will see across-the-board spending cuts and tax increases for nearly everyone beginning in January 2013. Follow all of the Journal's coverage in The Fiscal Cliff stream .
Why Obama Is Pushing Higher Rates
Uneven Bite Limiting Deductions
Which State Takes Most Deductions?

The pattern changed in the third quarter, when business investment fell at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.3%, according to a preliminary estimate from the Commerce Department. The latest drop included a decline in investment in structures, such as buildings, at a 4.4% annual rate. Investment in equipment and software stalled after growing at a roughly 5% annual pace in the first six months of the year.

"We have really not seen tailwinds to the economy," said OfficeMax Inc. OMX +0.63% chief executive Ravi Saligram. "When that happens, American businesses focus on productivity. You always prepare for the worst and if things get better, that's great."

The slowdown in capital spending contrasts with a rebound in U.S. consumer spending and confidence, which has returned to a five-year high. Meanwhile, the latest survey by the Business Roundtable, which tracks expectations for sales and investment among its big-company CEOs, found the worst sentiment about the economic outlook in three years.

Consumers may be taking their cues from signs of stronger job growth, lower fuel prices and an improving housing market. Businesses, on the other hand, appear more worried about the future, as profit growth and the global economy slow and the outlook for U.S. government policies remains murky.

The mood appears better among small businesses than large corporations. A survey by the National Federation of Independent Business in October found an uptick in capital spending among small businesses. While overall sentiment among small businesses remains below its prerecession average, it has been resilient in recent months.

Snap-on Inc., SNA +0.17% which makes equipment for auto technicians, reports healthy investment among the 800,000 small businesses it serves across the U.S. "Their confidence is fair and reasonable," said Snap-on CEO Nicholas Pinchuk. "As you move up to bigger companies, their foresight becomes broader and their confidence starts to erode."

Slower global economic growth also is contributing to the investment slowdown. China for example, has reduced demand for coal and other minerals, slowing orders for earth-moving and other equipment from Caterpillar Inc. CAT +1.34%

At the start of the year, Caterpillar expected to spend $4 billion building and expanding factories in Illinois, North Carolina, Texas, China and Thailand, among others. Last month, Caterpillar said it wouldn't reach that target, and expects capital spending to fall next year.

In technology, Intel is facing lower demand for its semiconductors. Intel last month said it would shift idle factory space and equipment into producing its newest chips, reducing its capital spending this year to roughly $11.3 billion, from an earlier projection of $12.5 billion. Chief Financial Officer Stacy Smith told investors last month that spending could fall again next year.

Other technology companies buying less new equipment include Texas Instruments Inc. TXN +1.34% and Harris Corp., HRS +1.23% which has cut capital spending by 46% so far this year, to $44 million from $82 million. Apple said it planned to spend $10 billion on new stores and equipment in the current fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2013, down from $10.3 billion in the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

Among the companies cutting capital-spending targets, the biggest concentration is in the energy industry, where natural-gas prices are near record lows.

Devon Energy Corp. DVN +0.64% spent $6.2 billion in the first nine months of this year, up 13% from the same period last year, with boosted spending on oil projects.

But capital spending next year will be "significantly less than 2012," particularly in acquiring new leases, Devon chief executive John Richels told analysts.

Write to Sudeep Reddy at and Scott Thurm at

nvestment Falls Off a Cliff -

Friday, November 23, 2012

Learning to Love Volatility: Nassim Nicholas Taleb on the Antifragile -

Learning to Love Volatility

In a world that constantly throws big, unexpected events our way, we must learn to benefit from disorder, writes Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

Several years before the financial crisis descended on us, I put forward the concept of "black swans": large events that are both unexpected and highly consequential. We never see black swans coming, but when they do arrive, they profoundly shape our world: Think of World War I, 9/11, the Internet, the rise of Google.

In economic life and history more generally, just about everything of consequence comes from black swans; ordinary events have paltry effects in the long term. Still, through some mental bias, people think in hindsight that they "sort of" considered the possibility of such events; this gives them confidence in continuing to formulate predictions. But our tools for forecasting and risk measurement cannot begin to capture black swans. Indeed, our faith in these tools make it more likely that we will continue to take dangerous, uninformed risks.

Some made the mistake of thinking that I hoped to see us develop better methods for predicting black swans. Others asked if we should just give up and throw our hands in the air: If we could not measure the risks of potential blowups, what were we to do? The answer is simple: We should try to create institutions that won't fall apart when we encounter black swans—or that might even gain from these unexpected events.

Fragility is the quality of things that are vulnerable to volatility. Take the coffee cup on your desk: It wants peace and quiet because it incurs more harm than benefit from random events. The opposite of fragile, therefore, isn't robust or sturdy or resilient—things with these qualities are simply difficult to break.

Robert Maass/CORBISProtesters on the Berlin Wall in 1989.

To deal with black swans, we instead need things that gain from volatility, variability, stress and disorder. My (admittedly inelegant) term for this crucial quality is "antifragile." The only existing expression remotely close to the concept of antifragility is what we derivatives traders call "long gamma," to describe financial packages that benefit from market volatility. Crucially, both fragility and antifragility are measurable.

As a practical matter, emphasizing antifragility means that our private and public sectors should be able to thrive and improve in the face of disorder. By grasping the mechanisms of antifragility, we can make better decisions without the illusion of being able to predict the next big thing. We can navigate situations in which the unknown predominates and our understanding is limited.

Herewith are five policy rules that can help us to establish antifragility as a principle of our socioeconomic life.

Rule 1: Think of the economy as being more like a cat than a washing machine.

We are victims of the post-Enlightenment view that the world functions like a sophisticated machine, to be understood like a textbook engineering problem and run by wonks. In other words, like a home appliance, not like the human body. If this were so, our institutions would have no self-healing properties and would need someone to run and micromanage them, to protect their safety, because they cannot survive on their own.

By contrast, natural or organic systems are antifragile: They need some dose of disorder in order to develop. Deprive your bones of stress and they become brittle. This denial of the antifragility of living or complex systems is the costliest mistake that we have made in modern times. Stifling natural fluctuations masks real problems, causing the explosions to be both delayed and more intense when they do take place. As with the flammable material accumulating on the forest floor in the absence of forest fires, problems hide in the absence of stressors, and the resulting cumulative harm can take on tragic proportions.


Rescue vehicles surround a US Airways plane after it crashed into the Hudson River in New York on Jan. 15, 2009.

And yet our economic policy makers have often aimed for maximum stability, even for eradicating the business cycle. "No more boom and bust," as voiced by the U.K. Labor leader Gordon Brown, was the policy pursued by Alan Greenspan in order to "smooth" things out, thus micromanaging us into the current chaos. Mr. Greenspan kept trying to iron out economic fluctuations by injecting cheap money into the system, which eventually led to monstrous hidden leverage and real-estate bubbles. On this front there is now at least a glimmer of hope, in the U.K. rather than the U.S., alas: Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, has advocated the idea that central banks should intervene only when an economy is truly sick and should otherwise defer action.

Promoting antifragility doesn't mean that government institutions should avoid intervention altogether. In fact, a key problem with overzealous intervention is that, by depleting resources, it often results in a failure to intervene in more urgent situations, like natural disasters. So in complex systems, we should limit government (and other) interventions to important matters: The state should be there for emergency-room surgery, not nanny-style maintenance and overmedication of the patient—and it should get better at the former.

In social policy, when we provide a safety net, it should be designed to help people take more entrepreneurial risks, not to turn them into dependents. This doesn't mean that we should be callous to the underprivileged. In the long run, bailing out people is less harmful to the system than bailing out firms; we should have policies now that minimize the possibility of being forced to bail out firms in the future, with the moral hazard this entails.

Rule 2: Favor businesses that benefit from their own mistakes, not those whose mistakes percolate into the system.

Some businesses and political systems respond to stress better than others. The airline industry is set up in such a way as to make travel safer after every plane crash. A tragedy leads to the thorough examination and elimination of the cause of the problem. The same thing happens in the restaurant industry, where the quality of your next meal depends on the failure rate in the business—what kills some makes others stronger. Without the high failure rate in the restaurant business, you would be eating Soviet-style cafeteria food for your next meal out.

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A satellite image of Hurricane Sandy over the Atlantic Ocean on Oct. 28.

These industries are antifragile: The collective enterprise benefits from the fragility of the individual components, so nothing fails in vain. These businesses have properties similar to evolution in the natural world, with a well-functioning mechanism to benefit from evolutionary pressures, one error at a time.

By contrast, every bank failure weakens the financial system, which in its current form is irremediably fragile: Errors end up becoming large and threatening. A reformed financial system would eliminate this domino effect, allowing no systemic risk from individual failures. A good starting point would be reducing the amount of debt and leverage in the economy and turning to equity financing. A firm with highly leveraged debt has no room for error; it has to be extremely good at predicting future revenues (and black swans). And when one leveraged firm fails to meet its obligations, other borrowers who need to renew their loans suffer as the chastened lenders lose their appetite to extend credit. So debt tends to make failures spread through the system.

A firm with equity financing can survive drops in income, however. Consider the abrupt deflation of the technology bubble during 2000. Because technology firms were relying on equity rather than debt, their failures didn't ripple out into the wider economy. Indeed, their failures helped to strengthen the technology sector.

Rule 3: Small is beautiful, but it is also efficient.

Experts in business and government are always talking about economies of scale. They say that increasing the size of projects and institutions brings costs savings. But the "efficient," when too large, isn't so efficient. Size produces visible benefits but also hidden risks; it increases exposure to the probability of large losses. Projects of $100 million seem rational, but they tend to have much higher percentage overruns than projects of, say, $10 million. Great size in itself, when it exceeds a certain threshold, produces fragility and can eradicate all the gains from economies of scale. To see how large things can be fragile, consider the difference between an elephant and a mouse: The former breaks a leg at the slightest fall, while the latter is unharmed by a drop several multiples of its height. This explains why we have so many more mice than elephants.

So we need to distribute decisions and projects across as many units as possible, which reinforces the system by spreading errors across a wider range of sources. In fact, I have argued that government decentralization would help to lower public deficits. A large part of these deficits comes from underestimating the costs of projects, and such underestimates are more severe in large, top-down governments. Compare the success of the bottom-up mechanism of canton-based decision making in Switzerland to the failures of authoritarian regimes in Soviet Russia and Baathist Iraq and Syria.

Rule 4: Trial and error beats academic knowledge.

Things that are antifragile love randomness and uncertainty, which also means—crucially—that they can learn from errors. Tinkering by trial and error has traditionally played a larger role than directed science in Western invention and innovation. Indeed, advances in theoretical science have most often emerged from technological development, which is closely tied to entrepreneurship. Just think of the number of famous college dropouts in the computer industry.


Thomas Edison was a prolific American inventor. Tinkering by trial and error has played a large role in Western innovation.

But I don't mean just any version of trial and error. There is a crucial requirement to achieve antifragility: The potential cost of errors needs to remain small; the potential gain should be large. It is the asymmetry between upside and downside that allows antifragile tinkering to benefit from disorder and uncertainty.

Perhaps because of the success of the Manhattan Project and the space program, we greatly overestimate the influence and importance of researchers and academics in technological advancement. These people write books and papers; tinkerers and engineers don't, and are thus less visible. Consider Britain, whose historic rise during the Industrial Revolution came from tinkerers who gave us innovations like iron making, the steam engine and textile manufacturing. The great names of the golden years of English science were hobbyists, not academics: Charles Darwin, Henry Cavendish, William Parsons, the Rev. Thomas Bayes. Britain saw its decline when it switched to the model of bureaucracy-driven science.

America has emulated this earlier model, in the invention of everything from cybernetics to the pricing formulas for derivatives. They were developed by practitioners in trial-and-error mode, drawing continuous feedback from reality. To promote antifragility, we must recognize that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of formal education that a culture supports and its volume of trial-and-error by tinkering. Innovation doesn't require theoretical instruction, what I like to compare to "lecturing birds on how to fly."

Rule 5: Decision makers must have skin in the game.

At no time in the history of humankind have more positions of power been assigned to people who don't take personal risks. But the idea of incentive in capitalism demands some comparable form of disincentive. In the business world, the solution is simple: Bonuses that go to managers whose firms subsequently fail should be clawed back, and there should be additional financial penalties for those who hide risks under the rug. This has an excellent precedent in the practices of the ancients. The Romans forced engineers to sleep under a bridge once it was completed.

Corbis  The opposite of trial and error is regimented, Soviet-style production. Here, workers at a Soviet bagel-making plant

Because our current system is so complex, it lacks elementary clarity: No regulator will know more about the hidden risks of an enterprise than the engineer who can hide exposures to rare events and be unharmed by their consequences. This rule would have saved us from the banking crisis, when bankers who loaded their balance sheets with exposures to small probability events collected bonuses during the quiet years and then transferred the harm to the taxpayer, keeping their own compensation.

In these five rules, I have sketched out only a few of the more obvious policy conclusions that we might draw from a proper appreciation of antifragility. But the significance of antifragility runs deeper. It is not just a useful heuristic for socioeconomic matters but a crucial property of life in general. Things that are antifragile only grow and improve under adversity. This dynamic can be seen not just in economic life but in the evolution of all things, from cuisine, urbanization and legal systems to our own existence as a species on this planet.

We all know that the stressors of exercise are necessary for good health, but people don't translate this insight into other domains of physical and mental well-being. We also benefit, it turns out, from occasional and intermittent hunger, short-term protein deprivation, physical discomfort and exposure to extreme cold or heat. Newspapers discuss post-traumatic stress disorder, but nobody seems to account for post-traumatic growth. Walking on smooth surfaces with "comfortable" shoes injures our feet and back musculature: We need variations in terrain.

Modernity has been obsessed with comfort and cosmetic stability, but by making ourselves too comfortable and eliminating all volatility from our lives, we do to our bodies and souls what Mr. Greenspan did to the U.S. economy: We make them fragile. We must instead learn to gain from disorder.

—Mr. Taleb, a former derivatives trader, is distinguished professor of risk engineering at New York University's Polytechnic Institute. He is the author of "Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder" (Random House), from which this is adapted.

A version of this article appeared November 17, 2012, on page C1 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Learning to lovevolatility.


Learning to Love Volatility: Nassim Nicholas Taleb on the Antifragile -


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Interview With Billionaire Frank Giustra

Published on Sep 3, 2012 by - Mining and entertainment mogul Frank Giustra in conversation with Cambridge House - August 28th, 2012. Topics include inflation, natural resources and wealth creation.


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Full Interview With Billionaire Frank Giustra - YouTube


Frank Giustra Bullish On Gold - Business Insider

Canaccord's Global Resource Conference happening in Miami at the moment featured a lengthy lunchtime chat with billionaire investor Frank Giustra where he said "he doesn't want to sound apocalyptic," but probably ended up scaring the bejezus out of the audience anyway.

In 2002 Giustra wrote a book called A Tarnished Dollar Will Put the Shine on Gold.

That was back when gold was trading below $300 and quantitative easing wasn't even a glint in Ben Bernanke's eye.

A decade later he's sticking to his guns:

"I don't know when and I don't know how high. But gold is going a lot higher.

"Gold is the bubble of all bubbles. It's the mother of all bubbles. It's the bubble people will go to when they've exhausted all other bubbles.

"Here's why: It is moveable. It is easily transferable across borders in times of crisis. It's a currency. It's liquid. It's easily tradeable.

"I'm a fan of all hard assets, but particularly gold. It's the largest part of my portfolio and it will continue to be until this cycle is over."

The reason for Giustra's confidence about the gold price – and gloom about the financial system – is all about US monetary policy.

While it started with the so-called Greenspan-put in the Nineties, Giustra said the Fed "crossed the Rubicon" when it first embarked on quantitative easing (in December 2008, when gold was worth $830 an ounce).

The Fed has already racked up close to $3 trillion and purchases of $40 billion a month for "at least the next 27 months" by the Fed's own calculations under open-ended QE3 will add another $1 trillion.

"Everyone is frozen with fear. Everyone is in cash," says Giustra.

"The only reason you haven't seen inflation – hyperinflation – yet" with all the cheap money flooding markets is because the velocity of money – the speed at which money changes hands in the economy – is at its lowest since 1959, when it was first measured:

"If it [velocity of money] stays that way, you won't get inflation. But the first whiff of inflation and things can pick up quickly."

Giustra says like in chess the Fed is in an "inescapable trap". It's been cornered by the queen, a rook and a bishop – a triple threat:

It cannot reign in the excess liquidity by raising interest rates because it will destroy what is only a fragile recovery.

With debt through budget deficits on its way to $20–$25 trillion, the US government will be the first in trouble if the Fed tries to normalize rates.

Thirdly, the Fed's own balance sheet is such that it could become insolvent – its debt:equity ratio is 51:1 with the bulk of its holdings in longer maturities which they won't find buyers for.

"It's the beginning of the end for the US dollar. I don't want to sound apocalyptic, but how else does this end? You have to be on the right side of this trade."

Giustra knows what he is talking about.

He made his money in a rare combination of two very different industries – gold mining and movie making. And he has a rare knack for timing the market.

Giustra started out at as mining industry dealmaker in the 1980s and got out when the market turned sour in the early nineties.

He then founded Lionsgate, today the biggest independent Hollywood studio.

By 2001 he was back in mining setting up among others Wheaton River which would morph into what is today the world's number two gold (Goldcorp) and silver (Silver Wheaton) companies with a combined market value of $48 billion.

Frik Els is editor for in Vancouver, BC.
Recent Posts

Frank Giustra Bullish On Gold - Business Insider


Warren Buffett makes another bet on U.S. Real Estate

Housing is getting toward a bottom... but Buffett is known for being early...Maybe you are beyond hoping for an end to the suffering but just in case......

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Warren Buffett

Berkshire Bets on Housing Recovery

Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway has made another bet on a recovery in the US housing market, agreeing to lend the conglomerate’s trusted brand to a new venture with Brookfield Asset Management.

Berkshire’s Home Services of America unit will be the majority owner of a network of franchised real estate agencies, which will begin to offer services next year under the name Berkshire Hathaway Home Services.

Brookfield will contribute a network of more than 53,000 individual estate agents responsible for $72 billion of residential real estate sales last year.

The group acquired the business last year from Prudential Financial, but did not retain the rights to the Prudential name, which are taken back as existing franchise agreements expire.

Mr. Buffett told CNBC this month that he remains bullish on the US economy, which he expects to continue “inching ahead” even as global growth slows.

The billionaire investor said Berkshire’s businesses have already begun to see a pick-up in demand related to improvements in the residential property market, and as a consequence he expects them to hire about 8,000 people in response this year.

The latest deal comes as Berkshire, a conglomerate with more than 70 different businesses, has positioned itself for a recovery in U.S. housing as
foreclosure rates decline and record low interest rates encourage buyers back into the market after six years of declining prices.

Home Services is the second largest full service residential brokerage firm in the US, the company said. Acquired with the Mid American utility company in 1999, it has been built by buying up real estate brokerages around the country.

Berkshire has also acquired a brickmaker and this month agreed to pay $1.5 billion for a portfolio of home loans from Residential Capital, the bankrupt mortgage lender.

Mr. Buffett’s optimism has also begun to be backed up by economic indicators. New home construction in the US surged in September to its fastest pace in more than four years, offering further evidence that the housing sector was regaining strength.

Housing starts rose 15 percent in September, to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 872,000 units, the fastest pace of growth since July 2008.

Brookfield acquired Prudential Real Estate and Relocation Services for about $100 million in December 2011, according to a financial disclosure. Brookfield, a real estate specialist with over $150 billion in assets under management, has retained the relocation business separate from the new venture.

Copyright 2011 The Financial Times Limited

Topics:Housing | Warren Buffett | North America | Economy (U.S.) | Banking | Consumers | Business
Sectors:Real Estate

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Berkshire’s Cash Pile Balloons to $40 Billion
Buffett Looks for Big-Ticket Acquisition
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Arunachalam Muruganantham: How I started a sanitary napkin revolution! - YouTube

This man barely speaks English but listen to him.  He makes some wise statements....basic needs supplied on a local basis, not by multinationals can be affordable for the poor people... solution provided.

 He is also funny.

He divides people into uneducated, little educated and 'surplus' educated.

He then asks the 'surplus educated' crowd,'What are you going to do for the society?'

He gave his design away on public domain and hopes to create 'an affordable sanitary pad movement' among the poor versus turning it into a corporate entity to make himself rich. 

He says chasing money results in boredom....

When he realized his wife had to choose between buying family meals and buying her monthly "supplies," Arunachalam Muruganantham vowed to help her solve the problem of the sanitary pad. His research got very very personal -- and led him to a powerful business model. (Filmed in Bangalore as part of the TED Global Talent Search.)

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Arunachalam Muruganantham: How I started a sanitary napkin revolution! - YouTube